Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/62

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3. To indicate direction towards, 向 hióng is used. Go northward 向北䟰 路向北 hióng báe̤k giàng or diô hióng báe̤k. 趁 Téng to pass through, is also used in this connection. Will you kindly tell me the way to Hok-chiang? 請問至福清着䟰俤一條路呢 Chiāng muóng, gáu Hók-chiăng diŏh giàng diê-siŏh-dèu diô nì? Go to the north-east, it is three li further on, 趁東北䟰故務三里路 téng dè̤ng-báe̤k giàng gó ô săng lī diô. Is this the right way? All right, go straight ahead. 只一條路務鄭毛 毛鄭直直䟰 Cī siŏh dèu diô ô dâng mò̤? Mò̤ dâng, dĭk-dĭk giàng.

4. Reaching one’s destination is expressed by the use of the words 至塊 gáu-dó̤i. We shall be there tomorrow, 明旦⿰亻鞋至塊 mìng-dáng â̤ gáu-dó̤i.

5. The word 總 cūng covers the ground occupied by such words as “must”, “certainly”. It is strengthened by 着 diŏh. You must worship God, 汝總着拜上帝 nṳ̄ cùng-diŏh bái Siông-Dá̤. It cannot be so, 總伓是者式 cūng ng-sê ciā-sék.

6. “No matter, what, whom” is indicated by 毛論 mò̤-lâung meaning “no discussion”. No matter who it was that came, you ought to go on with your work, 毛論是俤𠆧梨汝其工夫總着做 mò̤-lâung sˆ´diê-nè̤ng lì, nṳ̄ gì gĕ̤ng-hŭ cūng-diŏh có̤.

7. “To have no concern with” is indicated by 毛干過 mò̤-găng-gúo. It does not concern him, 共伊毛干過 gâe̤ng ĭ mò̤-găng-gúo.

8. We indicate how we wish a thing done by the word “way”. In Chinese we use the word 樣 iông and 樣式 iông-sék. This covers the meaning in English of such words as “kind”, “sort”, and applied to actions