Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/64

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Translate into English:—

  1. Ĭ ciā nè̤ng nè̤ng-gă mâ nêng-dék.
  2. Ĭ-gáuk-nè̤ng ciŏng Ià-Sŭ déng lŏ̤h sĕk-cê-gá.
  3. Cuòi sê siŏh iông gì bī-ê̤ṳ.
  4. Nù-gáuk-nè̤ng dŭ dáik-cô̤i Siông-Dá̤ lāu.
  5. Giéu ĭ diē lì.
  6. Nè̤ng-gă kĕk gô ĭ-siòng ké̤ṳk gă̤-dŏng gì siŏh ciáh lâu nè̤ng.
  7. Bàng-uâ mò̤ sié-nó̤h hō̤ ŏ̤h.
  8. Bàng-uâ nṳ̄ â̤ gōng-dék-lì mâ̤.
  9. Mâ̤, nâ hiēu-dék tiăng siŏh deek giāng.
  10. Nè̤ng-gă é-sé̤ṳ ng sê ó̤i dáik cô̤i ĭ, kī-dâe̤ng nṳ̄ chiāng ĭ mŏ̤ guái nù.
  11. Gă-sĭ dŭ diŏh nè̤ng-gă bùng-diē. Sō̤-siè diŏh cŭ-nái, muōng dò̤ ké̤ṳk nè̤ng-gă.
  12. Nè̤ng-gă cêng òng muôi káng-giéng chĭng-chék. Ĭ gáuk-nè̤ng dŭ mâ̤ nêng-dék nù.
  13. Ciā ngù-nèng-gŏ̤ cêng cóng. Nè̤ng-gă kó̤ sùng-kuàng gì sì-hâiu cêu sāi-e̤ûng.
  14. Ciā ôi-ché̤ṳ liê Iòng-bìng niŏh huông? Ô nê-sĕk-ngô lī diô.
  15. Tiék-tùi lièng tiék-dĭng nù tō̤ buáng-nĭk lāu nâ tō̤ mâ̤ diŏh.
  16. Kī-dâe̤ng nṳ̄ kó̤ làu dīng dò̤ nù gì Séng-Gĭng lŏ̤h lì, sê diŏh nù gì mìng-chòng lā̤.

Translate into Chinese:—

  1. He has travelled all over China.
  2. We are still two days from home.
  3. Do not forget the grace of God.
  4. He teaches there.
  5. Hang these things up.
  6. In many places bamboo pipes are used to bring water into the city, but in Iong-bing iron pipes are used.
  7. This water is not good to drink.
  8. There are still over ten li. The baggage is behind. I do not know when the burden coolies will come.
  9. When you have finished making the box, I want to see it.
  10. This is no concern of mine. Why do you bother me?
  11. You must make the clothes according to this pattern.
  12. When you have the opportunity, invite him to come here.
  13. We are moving tomorrow. Our new house is on the top of the hill.
  14. Please nail this cloth on to the north wall of the house.
  15. This is not the truth, it is only an illustration.