Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/69

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抖 dāu
to shake clothes
影 ōng
老小 lō̤-siēu
檻門 kāng-muòng
鱟葉門 háu-hiĕk-muòng
仈長 báik-diòng
to hear by report
拾起 kák-kī
to pick up
摺 ciék
to fold
認鄭 nêng-dâng
to apologise, confess a fault

Translate into English:—

  1. Gĭng-dáng sê miéh-nó̤h nĭk-cī.
  2. Nè̤ng-gă sáe̤ng nṳ̄ chók siàng.
  3. Nè̤ng-gă gì cṳ̆ páh-dâung kó̤, kī-dâe̤ng nṳ̄ tá̤ nguāi kăk-kī.
  4. Nè̤ng-gă diŏh gă̤-dŏng pâung diŏh ĭ.
  5. Nù-gáuk-nè̤ng gé-iòng mó̤ gŭng-lò̤, dék-diŏh āi-kó̤ Ià-Sŭ.
  6. Nguāi-gáuk-nè̤ng diŏh huói-gāi iâ diŏh séng Ià-Sŭ.
  7. Nè̤ng sĕk-hŭng ô dâng.
  8. Cī sâ̤ gūi, Ià-Sŭ â̤ dṳ̆k chók kó̤.
  9. Chŭi-iòng ĭ sê bó-nè̤ng, gì-sĭk ĭ gì bèng-iū mò̤ niŏh sâ̤.
  10. Gĭng-buŏ nṳ̄ muōng ciŏng măh-hūng dò̤ kó̤ céng, mìng-dáng-cā cêu gó-ká̤ ê̤ṳ-bê.
  11. Nè̤ng-gă lā̤ páh giù, bŏ̤-là̤ páh-puái kó̤, chiāng Sĭng-săng kuăng-ṳ̀ng nguāi.
  12. Ĭ ng-kīng có̤, nâ táu-nĭk dŭ sê sô̤i.
  13. Ĭ ô sé-sĕk huói, cêu mâ̤ ó̤h nguôi-guók gì uâ.
  14. Ciā uăk giŭ kó̤, ké̤ṳk nguāi sê̤ṳng kák nâung. Dò̤ kó̤ hŏk-sĕng sê̤ṳng â-sāi-dék.
  15. Ng-tĕ̤ng ŏ̤h Lī Sĭng-săng gōng-uâ, Ĭ gōng dék cêng ká̤.

Translate into Chinese:—

  1. He also is a good man.
  2. I told him that he could not do it.
  3. There is a tree on ahead.
  4. Give him this old mat.
  5. Since it is so, we must not go back.
  6. If they did not beat him it is all right.
  7. He not only offended me, but he also refuses to apologise.
  8. I have lost my spectacles, please search for them.
  9. This room is very dark, please open the shutters and shut the (glass) windows.
  10. My wife is here, and I am taking this opportunity of seeing the city.
  11. These clothes are all mildewed. Shake them one by one and hang them in the sun to dry.
  12. The school boys presented me with cakes and oranges.
  13. If you know him, you may as well invite him to supper.
  14. The children are lying on the bed, and will not get up.
  15. The book has fallen behind the table.