Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/72

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None but wealthy people can afford to live in large houses, 大橺其厝㑚務錢其𠆧⿰亻鞋葤的起 Duâ găng gì chió ná ô-cièng gì nè̤ng â̤ dêu dék kī.

6. 見 Giéng is used as an auxiliary verb to 看 káng. It is also used alone, but differs from káng as it usually refers to having an interview with a person. It is also used as a sign of the passive. I had better go and see him, 儂家去見伊故好 Nè̤ng-gă kó̤ giéng ĭ gó hō̤. Giéng as a sign of the passive. 見怪 Giéng guái to be offended. To be laughed at by you, 乞汝見笑 Ké̤ṳk nṳ̄ giéng chiéu. Chinese paper must not come in contact with water, 中國其紙伓通見水 Dṳ̆ng-guók gì cāi ng-tĕ̤ng giéng cūi.

7. Dék generally used with the Potential Mood, is also used repeated, to express the idea of certainty. He will certainly come to-morrow, 伊明旦的的⿰亻鞋來 I mìng-dáng dék-dék â̤ lì. With the Imperative Particle, diŏh, dék is also used to add emphasis. You must come tomorrow to my house, 汝明旦的着至儂家厝禮 Nṳ̄ mìng-dáng dék-diŏh gáu nèng-gă chió lā̤.


戴 dái
to wear on the head
乾 dă
包 bău
parcel, to wrap
緊 gīng
鬆 sĕ̤ng
懶惰 lāng-dô̤
歇 hiók
聽嘴 tiăng-chói
吞 tŏng
塞 sék
to stop a leak
改 gṳ̄i
to alter
本來 buōng-laì

Translate into English:—

  1. Nè̤ng-gă buōng-lài gì é-sé̤ṳ sê kó̤ Kŭ-chèng, nâ ĭng siŏh-iông cêng gék gì daî ceû sĕng kó̤ Iòng-bìng.
  2. Nguāi-gáuk-nèng chŭi-iòng ô cô̤i; Siông-Dá̤ ĭng-nguòng â̤ kīng nièu-sé̤ṳ nguāi.
  3. Cī siŏh-iông ĭ-siòng puŏh muôi dă.
  4. Nù-gáuk-nè̤ng