Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/84

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box cannot hold all, 一隻箱貯賣去 Siŏh-ciáh siŏng diō mâ̤ kó̤. He used up his money, 伊其錢駛完了 I gì cièng sāi uòng-lāu.

6. “To make into” is expressed by 成 siàng placed between the verb and its object. He made four pieces of wood into a box, 伊掏四塊板做成一隻箱 I dò̤ sé-dó̤i bēng có̤ siàng siŏh-ciáh siŏng.

7. “Not only” followed by “but also” is expressed by 不止 bók-cĭ; followed by or beng-chiā (Lesson XIV. 2.) We must not only repent, but we must also believe in Jesus, 奴各𠆧不止着悔改 也着信耶穌 Nù-gáuk-nè̤ng bók-cī diŏh huói-gāi, iā-diŏh séng Ià-Sŭ.

8 Mutual action is indicated by 相 sŏng. Life and death are connected, 生死是相連其 Săng sī sê sŏng-lièng gì. Disciples of Jesus ought always to agree with one another, 耶穌其門生該當常常相和 Ià-Sŭ gì muòng-sĕng găi-dŏng siòng-siòng sŏng-huò.


睶 chūng
盤 buàng
收 sĭu
receive (as a letter)
寄 gié
send, despatch, (as a letter)
便急 biêng-gék
決斷 giók-duáng
中意 de̤ṳ́ng-é
簽字 chiĕng-cê
to append initials
郵政局 lù-céng-guŏh
老爹 lō̤-diă
禁止 géng-cī
to prohibit
某 mū
a certain (place, thing, man)

Translate into English:—

  1. Mò̤ bĕk-ciáh Géu-Ciō.
  2. Nè̤ng-gă siŏh-buŏ káung mâ̤ diŏh.
  3. Cuòi â̤ biêng-gék mâ̤?
  4. Ĭ lì-ng-lì mò̤ diâng-diŏh.