Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/86

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灴 gòng
to burn, injure by fire, scald
力 lĭk
咬 gâ
to bite
擲 cŏ̤h, dâi
to throw away
動 dông
move, influence
層 cèng
a storey of a building, round of a ladder
堆 dŏi
恨 hâung
to hate
添 tiĕng
to add
刣 tài
to kill
屢 sèu
often, regularly
䰗氣 kău-ké
exasperating, irksome
冇講 páng-gōng
to gossip, chat
工夫 gĕ̤ng-hŭ
labour, work
可惜 kō̤-sék
故此 gó-chṳ̄
務擔當 ô dăng-dŏng
毛擔當 mò̤ dăng-dŏng
花眉 huă-mì
a thrush
熱心 iĕk-sĭng
一堆 siŏh-dŏi
公道 gŭng-dô̤
定動 dêng-dâe̤ng
to move
破病 puái-bâng
to be ill
清醒 chĭng-chāng
細貳 sá̤-nê
to be careful
愛 tiáng
to love

1 It was pointed out in a former lesson that numerical order was indicated by the use of 第 dâ̤ prefixed to cardinal numbers. Dâ̤ is also employed in recapitulations, but in going over the chief points of a subject, or in a recital of events, according to regular sequence, there are other forms corresponding to such phrases as “in the first place” “in the next place” etc. Such are, Tàu siŏh-iông, tàu siŏh-cĕk, bô–bô. In the first place he is careless, in the second place he is unjust, 伊頭一件毛細貳第二件毛公道 I tàu siŏh-iông mò̤ sá̤-nê, dâ̤ nê iông mò̤ gŭng-dô̤. In the first place I have no time, in the second place, I have no money, 儂家頭一截毛閒二截毛錢 Nè̤ng-gă tàu siŏh-cĕk mò̤ èng, nê cĕk mò̤ cièng. He is both wise and amiable, 伊仅聰明仅好愛 I bô chăng-mìng, bô hō̤-tiáng. He is both unwilling and unable, 伊仅伓肯仅毛擔當 I bô ng kīng, bô mò̤ dăng-dŏng.