Page:A Menina do Narizinho Arrebitado (1920).pdf/36

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fall in love with a cockroach and the kingdom would suffer the shame of being ruled by a queen who loses her shell now and then...

And so, chatting, the two of them walked along the very clean and tidy avenues of the garden. Every morning, the ants ran all over the park, picking up all the little spikes, trimming the lawns and making everything look top-notch. There was a pond at the edge of which they stopped, gazing into the liquid mirror. They were both deep in thought: Narizinho missing her prince and Spider missing her sixty daughters eaten by Master Frog. Then they heard a moan some distance away. They approached. It was Master Grab, who was moaning with a huge belly full of pebbles.

— Alas, he cried, I can't even walk! Little girl with the golden hair, take pity on this poor frog and ask the prince to forgive me!...

Narizinho had a good heart and, sympathizing with the unfortunate animal's misery, she promised to intervene on his behalf.

— Look, she said to Spider, this poor