Page:A Nameless Nobleman.djvu/75

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the father, and turned to meet his wife, who staggered out of the house, her arms full of last packages, and allowed herself and them to be stored in the wagon by Humphrey's somewhat hurried movements, hurling back last charges at Molly all the while.

"Now don't thee forget, Mary, to change the water on the pickles every day, and feed the hens with hot food; and mind that Amariah looks well after the pigs, and see if thee can spin out all the rolls I have put in the top drawer; and be sure have Mercy Hetherford over to sleep with thee every night; and don't thee let Reuben stay after dark, and"—

But just at this point the horse and his driver came to an understanding, through which the wagon started suddenly forward, cutting short the good dame's speech with a jerk.