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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/103

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Iſlands of Scilly.

and Bowls, verifying the Proverb, A Feaſt or a Famine in Scilly.

A Parſon having been at one of theſe Entertainments, by the Force of his Imagination, (like thoſe who fancy they ſee Figures, and the Forms of Animals, &c. in the Clouds) compared the different Shapes of theſe Iſlands, as they appear in the Map, to the various Diſhes in one of theſe Feaſts, as follows:

The Iſlands compared to a Feaſt.
  1. St. Mary's, a Scate.
  2. Treſco, a Side of Mutton.
  3. Bryer, a dry'd Ling.
  4. Sampſon, a Leg of Veal.
  5. White Iſland, near it, a Sole.
  6. Annet, a Lobſter.
  7. Agnes, a Veniſon Paſty, near it, half a Gooſe.
  8. Tean, a Capon.
  9. St. Helen's, a Shoulder of Mutton.
  10. Bigger White Iſland, a Bacon Ham.
  11. St. Martin's, a Plumb Pudding.
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