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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/12

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find, that it is a Deſcription of ſome Iſlands (Part of his Majesty's Dominions) which tho' much talked oſ, are very little known, and, tho' of great Importance to the Trade and Navigation of theſe Kingdoms, but little regarded.

That the Iſlands of Scilly are capable of great Improvements, and no leſs worthy of the Royal Favour and Encouragement than any other of his Majesty's Provinces, I have endeavoured to make appear, in ſuch a Light, as was never before attempted.

Theſe Iſlands have been the Property of your Royal Anceſtors, ever ſince the Conqueſt of them by King Æthelſtan;
