An Account of the
Their Manufacture is ſpinning their own Wool, knitting Stockings of it, and weaving it into Cloth, which ſerve for the cloathing of many of the Inhabitants, who are by their Situation, the Sons and Daughters of God's Providence; and accordingly are otherwiſe cloathed and ſupplied out of Wreeks, ſent in by the Sea, the Spoils of their rich Neighbours.
God, as he fram'd the Whole, the Whole to bleſs,On mutual Wants, built mutual Happineſs.Pope's Eſſay.
Of the Off-Iſlands.
About a Mile South Weſt of the South Part of St. Mary's Garriſon lies St. Agnes Iſland, otherwiſe called the Light-Houſe Iſland, upon which ſtands a very high and ſtrong Light-Houſe, ſeen in the Night at a great Diſtance, by which Ships going out of, or coming into the two [1] Channels, avoid falling in with the Rocks, ly-
- ↑ Britiſh and Briſtol.