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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/17

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Houſes of Parliament, and tranſmitted to your Royal Highneſs before your Return from the Scene of Action.

And, as if they did not think even this ſufficient to expreſs their deep Senſe of the eminent Services you had performed for your Royal Father, and your Country, they, with the utmoſt Unanimity and Diſpatch, paſſed an Act, in their legiſlative Capacity, to ſettle on your Royal Highneſs, and your Iſſue-Male, an additional Revenue; whereby lateſt Poſterity may be informed of that indelible Memorial, of the Reſpect, Gratitude, and Affection of a Britiſh Parliament to your Royal Highneſs.

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