during which Time, and no other, St. Mary's Iſland, and that of Treſco, appear like a Country-Wake, or Fair in England; where you meet with jovial hearty Souls, and generous Friendſhip.
Perſons of the middle Rank are commonly addreſſed by the Title of Uncle, or Aunt ſuch-a-one, either according to their Chriſtian or Sir-Names; as Aunt Sarah, Aunt Ginver, Aunt Cheſin, Aunt Gilliver, Aunt Sherry, &c. Uncle Scaddin, Uncle Ginver, Uncle Frank, Uncle Thias, Uncle Sam, Uncle Hicks, &c. who are all Perſons of ſome Note in the Iſlands.
Their Ovens are large Iron-Kettles, or Pots, which they whelm over Things to be baked, upon heated Iron Plates, or Stone Hearths; at the ſame Time covering the Outſide of theſe Kettle-Ovens with Turf-Firing, which is their ordinary Fewel. Theſe Kettle-Ovens ſerve alſo for boiling; ſo that the Inhabitants of Scilly may be ſaid