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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/181

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Iſlands of Scilly.
For Modes of Faith, let graceless Zealots fightHis can't be wrong, whoſe Life is in the right.Pope.

The Iſle of Man, deſcribed by a late: Author, is ſaid to be ſo much under the arbitrary Dominion of a certain Prieſthood there, that the Minds of the People are bound in Fetters of Superſtition, and, enſlaved: by Ignorance, to an uncommon Degree, if what he ſays be true. For, by his Account, they are taught to believe in the Power of working Miracles, and the Iſland is infeſted with Dæmons, Apparitions, and Witchoraft; Notions. which are not regarded in the Iſlands of Scilly, except by a very few of the old Women.

Mr. Dryden ſays on this Head.

By Education many are miſled,We ſo believe, becauſe we ſo are bred:The Prieſt continues what the Nurſe began,And ſo the Child impoſes on the Man.
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