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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/185

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Iſlands of Scilly.

Specificks, the true Secrets of which Compoſitions are depoſited with their Preſident. And the Methods or Medicines they preſcribe to their Patients, they ſtrictly purſue, or take themſelves.

Here we behold what Doctors ought to be,Their Practice what, and what ſhould be their Fee.Taught by Old Women, let them learn their Part,How much they owe to Nature more than Art.The fam'd Hippocrates they never read,Galen, nor Boerhaave, Hans Sloane, nor Mead.Diſpenſaries, the Doctor's laſt Reſource,Are ſubſtituted by a ſkilful Nurſe:She miniſters, but watches Nature's Cut,And wiſe Experience tells her what to do.With Simples, or Compounds, as ſuits the Caſe,[1]She moves the Pain, and gives the Patient Eaſe.
  1. The Pulſe ſhe raiſes, in low Ebb of Blood,And lowers to Order, throbbing at high Flood:With Words of Comfort baniſhes each Fear,And friendly ſooths away the Patient's Care.
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O mighty