The Pilots are paid from one Guinea to five, and upwards, according to the Weather, and the Hazards they run in going off; and likewiſe of the Value of the Ship and Cargo, which they bring in.
Sir Cloudeſly Shovel, a Native of Morſon, near Clay, in Norfolk, after arriving to high Honours in the Service of his Country, was loſt near theſe Iſlands, upon the Gilſton Rock, returning from Thoulon, October 22, 1707, and not upon the Biſhop and Clarks, as by ſome have been repreſented. It was thick foggy Weather, when the whole Fleet in Company, coming (as they thought) near the Land, agreed to lye-to, in the Afternoon; but Sir Cloudeſley, in the Aſſociation, ordering Sail to be made, firſt
up of Value." Now I appeal to any Perſon living, that ever was a-ſhore there, whether this Author ſaw the Place? or if this be the Caſe?
He then goes on to characterize the Inhabitants, comparing them to the Dwellers upon the Coaſt of Suſſex; dealing Cruelties to Strangers coming a-ſhore in Diſtreſs, and even among one another. Now, if ſuch Outrages were committed in Scilly, as this Traveller (much at Home) has peremptorily aſſerted, thePerſons