At the Eaſt Part of St. Mary's Iſ Porth-bellic Bay, the Body of Sir Gloudeſley came a-ſhore by the Tide, after floating paſt ſeveral Rocks, and leſſer Islands. Some relate he was firſt found upon a Hatch, with a little Dog: dead by him, he endeavouring, by that Means, to ſave himſelf. He is ſaid to be taken up by a Soldier belonging to St. Mary's Garriſon, who buried, him in the Sand at Porth-bellic. Being afterwards ſought, he was diſcovered by the Marks of his Body, where he had been wounded, and was removed from thence by the Purſer of the Arundel on Board that Ship in the Harbour, where he was em-
teſtify the voluntary kind Services of the Iſlanders in the Preſervation of their Lives, and Salvages of their Ships Cargoes; for which they had Reward from the Engliſh, or other Merchants. And even, in the late War, their Enemy, the French, acknowledged the Generoſity and Benevolence of a few Fiſhermen, who, at the extreme Hazard of their own Lives, delivered: the diſtreſſed Frenchmen from periſhing among the Weſtern Rocks, in a Veſſel they had taken from us, and brought in there by Miſchance: For which Recapture they received ample Reward from the London