balmed by the Order of the Commander. His Body was from thence conveyed to Plymouth: by the Saliſbury, lying in State, there, in the Citadel, till Lady Shovel ordered the Removal of it to her Houſe, in Soho-Square, London. It was attended to the Limits of the Corporation by the Mayor and Court of Aldermen with great Pomp and Solemnity, the whole Garriſon was under Arms, during the Time of Proceſſion, and Cannon fired by Minutes, to pay the Honours due to the Memory of ſo public a Benefactor. After the Honours done him at Soho, with a Solemnity deeply expreſſing his Lady's and the public Concern, his
Merchants, (as in the Text, farther on, I have obſerv'd) though theſe Iſlanders, to their great Diſcouragement, are ſometimes ſlighted, or rather ill rewarded, by the Merchant, for thoſe Services.
And farther, to convince the Reader of the Authority he has to depend on, who ſhall unadviſedly purchaſe, or attend to, the Hiſtory of the Tour thro' Great Britain, as a particular Jewel, or valuable Curioſity, I ſhall follow it's Author as far as Upnor Caſtle, in Kent (Vid. Vol. I. p. 151.) where, at preſent, I happen to be an Inhabitant, as I was before in the ſaid Iſlands, which he has ſo groſsly miſrepreſented.This