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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/204

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An Account of the

The Figure of the Diving-Engine (made of thick Planks, bound together with Iron Hoops, and headed at the Ends) was a Tapering-Veſſel in which the Diver was plug'd up, with as much Air as could be blown into it, with a Pair of Bellows, at the Time of his going down. His na-


    There are ſeveral Monuments of Wit extant in theſe Parts, eſpecially at the Quarry-House, or Kentish Vaux-Hall, ſituated on fair Proſpect, at a convenient Diſtance from Chatham, Rocheſter, and Stroud, from whence thoſe Towns, and the River, are finely beheld, with the Gothic Bridge of Rocheſter, ſupported on eleven ſeparate Arches, and Sterlings, where the Tide riſes and falls with great Rapidity.

    Without entering into Antiquities, the building of Upnor-Caſtle, the reputed Royal Priſoner there confined, Guy Earl of Warwick's Sword there depoſited, the building of the Barracks, Purchaſe of the Garriſon-Land, and ſuch like, which are eaſily underſtood, if enquired into, no more needs be ſaid of this Place, except that I have been the more particular in my Account, to ſhew the Tour of Great Britain's Author, who traduced the Iſlanders of Scilly, that he is as much miſtaken in his Account of theſe Parts, as of thoſe. Though I might ſarther obſerve that the Kent Aſſizes are held at Rocheſter, and not as he ſays at Maidſtone; ſo that a natural, true, and hiſtorical Account of Great Britain (of its ſeveral Counties and Towns) ſtill remains a deſirable Curioſity. And, in Imitation of the laudable Undertaking by Mr. Nathaniel and Samuel Buck, towards completing ſuch a Work, in giving a Proſpect and Hiſtory of Places, I have here annexe a View of Upnor-Caſtle.