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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/21

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tage to us ſtrongly appears, in the great Deſire which the Dutch had of poſſeſſing them when Sir John Granville was Governor thereof, who then made underhand Propoſals to him on Pretence of holding them for King Charles II. (in the Time of his Exile in Holland) a little before Admiral Blake reduced them to the Obedience of the Parliament: But his Sagacity was too penetrating, and his Honour too clear, to be miſled by ſuch a deſigning Artiſice.

Theſe Iſlands were firſt diſcovered by the Phœnicians, and afterwards by the Romans, who traded thither for Lead and Tin. They were of ſuch prodigious Advantage to the Former State, in the Riches they afforded, that they were kept by them as long as poſſible, a Secret to the latter, and the reſt of the World. Since the Diſcovery of the Mines in Cornwall, the ſaid Iſlands

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