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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/280

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An Account of the
A Liſt of the late Governors of Scilly, bearing Commiſſions.

Govern'd, Anno

Honourable Sir Francis Godolphin, 1593
Honourable Sir William Godolphin,
Honourable Francis Godolphin, Eſq;, 1640
Honourable Sir John Granville (afterwards Earl of Bath) 1651
Honourable Sidney Godolphin, Eſq; 1702
Major Bennet governed a ſhort Time,
Right Hon. Francis Earl of Godolphin, 1733

The Governors having the Military Power were not always Proprietors holding the Civil Juriſdiction, as has before been obſerved; for Major Bennet was Governor of Scilly, while the preſent Earl of Godolphin was only Proprietor: His Lordſhip thinking this an Infringement on his Authority, had a Commiſſion as Governor, bearing Date July 7, 1733, and has been Governor and Proprietor of the
