Culture, Plants, Produce, Tinnery, Fiſhery, &c. as likewiſe in the Dioceſe, and other particular Juriſdiction, the following Deſcription or View of Cornwall is added for the Satisfaction of the Curious: Being the perfecteſt Account extant of that County.
CORNWALL ſome deduce from Corineus, Couſin to Brute, the firſt Conqueror of Britain, who wreſtling at Plymouth (as they ſay) with the Giant Gogmagog, threw him over the Cliff, broke his Neck, and had in Reward this County.
But, according to [1] Matthew of Weſtminſter, Cornwall borrowed one Part of its Name from Cornu, the ſuppoſed Shape of the County, (though reſembling that of Italy) and the other from Walliæ, a Corruption of Galliæ, Gauls, the Inhabitants; (for the antient Britons and Gauls were the ſame, People) in which Senſe the Corniſh People call it Kernow, from Kerne, a Horn.
- ↑ Flores Hiſt.