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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/335

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Defcription of Cornwall.

Beſides the Herbs produced in common with other Counties of England, Cornwall affords a great Stock of Sea-Holm, Samphire, and Roſa Solis. And many of the Sea Cliffs are deck'd with wild Hyſſop, Sage, Pelamountain, Marjoram, Roſemary, and other ſweet-ſmelling Herbs, ſome of which grow wild in the Iſlands of Scilly. Alſo, in ſeveral Places of this County, grow the curious and phyſical Herbs following.

A Catalogue of Plants growing wild in this County, ſome of which grow in Scilly.
  1. ALSINA Spuria puſilla repens, Foliis Saxifraga auræ, ſmall, creeping, round, baſtard Chickweed. On moiſt Banks in many Places.
  2. Marſh Aſparagus, or Sperage. On the Cliffs at the Lizard Point.
  3. Round-leaved Marſh St. Peter's Wort. On boggy Grounds, about ſpringing Waters, abundantly towards the Land's End.

4. Tender