Defcription of Cornwall.
Beſides the Herbs produced in common with other Counties of England, Cornwall affords a great Stock of Sea-Holm, Samphire, and Roſa Solis. And many of the Sea Cliffs are deck'd with wild Hyſſop, Sage, Pelamountain, Marjoram, Roſemary, and other ſweet-ſmelling Herbs, ſome of which grow wild in the Iſlands of Scilly. Alſo, in ſeveral Places of this County, grow the curious and phyſical Herbs following.
A Catalogue of Plants growing wild in this County, ſome of which grow in Scilly.
- ALSINA Spuria puſilla repens, Foliis Saxifraga auræ, ſmall, creeping, round, baſtard Chickweed. On moiſt Banks in many Places.
- Marſh Aſparagus, or Sperage. On the Cliffs at the Lizard Point.
- Round-leaved Marſh St. Peter's Wort. On boggy Grounds, about ſpringing Waters, abundantly towards the Land's End.
4. Tender