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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/393

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Deſcription of Cornwall.
Greek. Cornish. English.
Teino Tedna Draw
Mamma Mamm Mother
Epiſcopos Eſcoppe Biſhop
Klyo Klowo Here
Didaſkein Dathiſky To teach
Kyon Kye Dog.
Kentron Kentron Spur
Methyo Methow Drink
Scaphe Schapth Boat
Ronchos Ronchie Snorting.

The Language, as Mr. Carew obſerves, abounds with Words expreſſive of witty. Conceits in Proſe and Verſe; yet the Corniſh can no more find a Word for tye, than the Greeks for ineptus, the French for ſtand, the Engliſh for Emulus, or the Iriſh for Knave.

The Cauſes aſſigned, diſadvantageous to this Language, beſide thoſe in common to the Welch, are, 1. the Deſtruction of the original Monuments (obſerved by Gildas) 2. The Incurſion of the Roman Language, under that Government (obſerved

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