riſhes, they are abſolute; the leaſt of which has one, the middle Sort two, and the bigger three or four, though the Reputation of a ſuperior Authority might be enhanced by a Choice of fit Perſons for that Office. For wiſe Direction, and diligent Execution being fruitful of good Ends, the former is derived from the King to the Lords, and from the Lords to the Juſtices, as the latter is placed in the Hands of Conſtables.
For Franchiſes, Cornwall has the Dutchy, Rialton, Clifton, Minhinet, Pawton, Carvanton, Stoke, Cliviſland, Medland, and Kellyland, which have their Bailiffs, as the Hundreds, to attend publick Services.
Hundreds are nine, Eaſt, Weſt, Trig, Leſnewith, Stratton; Powder, Pider, Kerier, and Penwith, which contain Tythings. By theſe, the County is diſtributed into the following Limits, or Diviſions, and rated in certain Proportions.
Hund. | Hund. | Hund. | Hund. | ||||||||||||
Eaſt, Weſt. |
Trig, Leſnewith, Stratton. |
Powder, Pider. |
Kerrier, Penwith. |
The moſt convenient and uſual Place of Aſſembly for the whole County is Bodmin;