Cornwall and Scilly.
is a populous trading Town, and gives Title of Viſcount to his Royal Highneſs the Prince of Wales, of whom the Manor is held in Fee-Farm.
In this County are the following Market-Towns by Charter and Custom.
- Launceston, Sat.
- Liſkard, Sat.
- Loſtwithiel, Fr.
- Truro, W. and S.
- Bodmin, Sat.
- Helſton, Sat.
- Saltaſh,
- Camelford, Fr.
- Weſtloo, or Port Pigham,
- Grampound, Sat.
- Eaſtloo,
- Penrin, W.F.S.
- Tregony, Sat.
- St. Ives, W. Sat.
- Foy, Saturday.
- Kellington,
- Boſſiney,
- St. Germain, Fr.
- St. Michael,
- St. Maws,
- St. Auſtle,
- Boſcaſtle,
- St. Columb, Th.
- Falmouth, Th.
- Market Jew Th.
- Padſtow, Sat.
- Penſance. Th.
- Redruth,
- Wadebridge,
- Stratton, Th.
Fix'd Fairs are on March 13, at Bodmin, Helſton, St. Michael's Mount.
April 24, at Loo; 25th, St. Columb's, St. Probus.
May 1, at Launceſton, Penrin; 15th Wadebridge, Treganetha, Camelford.
June 11, at Minhinet; 24th, Launceſton, Pelint, Probus, Columbs.
July, on St. Margaret's Day, at St. Stephen's, Camelford.
On St. James's Day, at Golſinny, Saltaſh.
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