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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/52

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Of the Passage between

Letters between Scilly and England are brought hither to the Poſt-bouſe; and Paſſengers from England, going over to Scilly, uſually come here to embark. But theſe Iſlands not being furniſh'd with a deck'd Veſſel, for croſſing over thoſe Seas in rough Weather, and one not being allow'd by the Government for that purpoſe, a Paſſage, depending ſo much on the Weather, is ſeldom perform'd oftner than once in a Month, or ſix Weeks, in the Summer; but in the Winter not ſo often. And as they are uſually made in ſmall open Fiſher-Boats, amidſt the running of ſeveral Croſs-Tides, violently affected by ſudden Changes to bad Weather, the Paſſengers are forc'd to venture at the extreme Hazard of their Lives, when Neceſſity or Duty calls them. This I experienc'd myſelf, upon the Race of Minewithers, going over from Penſance to Scilly, in May 1744, when the Seas broke over us, and our little Boat, loaden down to the Water's Edge with Goods and Paſſengers, muſt have fill'd and gone down if Providence had not prevented it.
