of which Scilly affords many good ones.
To ſail in at the N. W. Channel, keep the Light-Houſe a Sail's Breadth open to the Weſtward of the great Smith, and run 'till you are got within a Mile of it, then ſteer for St. Mary's Road: Or to go in at the S. W. Channel, keep L. Ganbilly open with Bantſtarran, on the N. Part of St. Mary's, which will carry you directly into the Road. But here the Setting of the Tides is greatly to be depended upon. At the Biſhop and Clerks the Tide, at low Water, ſets N. W. for half an Hour; and then changes about a Mile coming in from the Starboard Shore; and ſets E. N. E. into St. Mary's Road, and as far as St. Martin's Head.
Is narrow and dangerous, but of good Depth of Water. In ſailing in keep Caſtle-Bryer on with the great Smith, and tun 'till you are near it; then ſheer over towards Annet, and give it a Birth; ſteering away for the Road. Here the Tide ſets out at four Hours