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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/65

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Cornwall and Scilly.

Northward of the Head-Land, another Tide at four Hours Flood, comes round into the E. N. E. Stream, and makes the Race of Hinges. It overpowers the other, and ſets away S. by W. as far as Mine-wither Iſland, and there meets with Crow-Sound Tide, ſetting out S. E. which makes a very great Race at Spring Tides; and ſo both Tides go off to the Southward together.

Concerning the Situation of the Lizard Point and the Iſlands of Scilly, the late ingenious Dr. Halley remarks, that they are laid down in former Charts too far Northerly, which Miſtake is here corrected in my new Draught of thoſe Seas and Iſlands. "The Lizard Point (ſays he) by undoubted Obſervation, lies in Lat. 49°. 55'. whereas in moſt Charts and Books of Navigation, that Point of Land and the Iſlands of Scilly, lying Eaſt and Weſt of each other, are laid down to the Northward of 50° and in ſome full 50°. 10'. Nor was this without a good Effect, ſo long as the Variation continued
