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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/67

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Cornwall and Scilly.

miſs having an Obſervation for two or three Days, at coming into the Channel, and do not allow for this Variation Weſtward, they ſail not to fall greatly to the Northward of their Expectation; eſpecially if they reckon Scilly in or above 50°. And by this Means Ships are often expoſed to the Danger of running up the Briſtol Channel (not knowing their Latitude) or fall in with the Rocks of Scilly, and are loſt. Some have attributed theſe Accidents to the Indraught of St. George's Channel, by the Tide of Flood being ſuppoſed to ſet more to the Northward than is compenſated by the Ebb ſetting out, but the Variation being allowed for, it has been found that the ſaid Indraught is inſenſible. It is therefore recommended to all Maſters of Ships, coming into the Channel, that they ſteer on a Courſe as much to the Southward of the Eaſt as the Variation, at any Time, is weſterly, which will exactly keep their Parallel. And alſo that they come out of the Ocean on a Parallel, not
