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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/71

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Cornwall and Scilly.

eſpecially thoſe to the Weſtward, appear off at Sea like old Caſtles and Churches, with the Seas alternately flying over them, in white Sheets or Fleeces of that Element.

It is high Water among the Iſlands at half an Hour paſt four, the Spring Tides flowing there E. N. E. but the nepe Tides with a Northerly Wind flow N. E. or at ſix Hours.

The ſpring Tides riſe and fall about 21 or 22 Feet, and the nepe Tides about 15 or 16, and both flow with a hard Southerly Wind an Hour longer; but a hard Northerly one will put the Time of flowing as far back.

The South Stream ſets out of St. Mary's Sound from half Flood to half Ebb, The Weſt Stream comes into St. Mary's Sound from half Ebb to half Flood, and runs out through broad Sound, about the little Scilly Iſland, and for ſix or ſeven Leagues to the Weſtward of it.

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