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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/74

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An Account of the
An Eſtimation of the Quantity of Land in Acres, contained in each Iſland, according to the Map.
Five larger Iſlands inhabited by about 1400 People.
1 St. Mary 1520 beſides the Garriſon 120 Acres joined to the Iſtmus.
2 Treſco 880
3 St. Martin 720
4 St. Agnes 300 beſides the Gugh 90 Acres joined at low Water.
5 Bryer 330
One Family 6 Sampſon 120
4 ſcattered Iſlands bearing Graſs.
7 St. Helens 80
8 Tean 70
9 White Iſland 50
10 Annet 40
10 Eaſtern Iſlands, ſtocked with Conies, and fit for feeding Cattle in Summer.
11 Great Arthur 30
12 Great Ganilly 20
13 Great Gannick 18
14 Minewithen 15
15 Nornour 13
16 Little Arthur 7
17 Little Ganilly 6
18 Little Gannick 5
19 Ragged Iſland 5
20 Inniſvouls 4
7 Scattered Iſlands placed about the Largeſt.
21 Mincarlo 12
22 Guahall 10
23 Northwithel 9
24 White Iſland
near Sampſon
25 Round Iſland 3
26 Scilly Iſland 1
27 Rat Iſland

Sum Total 4485½
The half, 2242¾ Acres, at leaſt, are tillable and improveable.

N. B. Beſides the above, which are moſt noted, there may be numbered about a Dozen very ſmall Iſlands bearing Graſs; and Rocks innumerable above Water.

Here place the Map.
