An Account of the
An Eſtimation of the Quantity of Land in Acres, contained in each Iſland, according to the Map.
Five larger Iſlands inhabited by about 1400 People.
1 | St. Mary | 1520 | beſides the Garriſon 120 Acres joined to the Iſtmus. | ||
2 | Treſco | 880 | ||||
3 | St. Martin | 720 | ||||
4 | St. Agnes | 300 | beſides the Gugh 90 Acres joined at low Water. | |||
5 | Bryer | 330 | ||||
One Family | 6 | Sampſon | 120 | |||
4 ſcattered Iſlands bearing Graſs.
7 | St. Helens | 80 | |||
8 | Tean | 70 | ||||
9 | White Iſland | 50 | ||||
10 | Annet | 40 | ||||
10 Eaſtern Iſlands, ſtocked with Conies, and fit for feeding Cattle in Summer.
11 | Great Arthur | 30 | |||
12 | Great Ganilly | 20 | ||||
13 | Great Gannick | 18 | ||||
14 | Minewithen | 15 | ||||
15 | Nornour | 13 | ||||
16 | Little Arthur | 7 | ||||
17 | Little Ganilly | 6 | ||||
18 | Little Gannick | 5 | ||||
19 | Ragged Iſland | 5 | ||||
20 | Inniſvouls | 4 | ||||
7 Scattered Iſlands placed about the Largeſt.
21 | Mincarlo | 12 | |||
22 | Guahall | 10 | ||||
23 | Northwithel | 9 | ||||
24 | White Iſland near Sampſon |
7 | ||||
25 | Round Iſland | 3 | ||||
26 | Scilly Iſland | 1 | ||||
27 | Rat Iſland | 0½ | ||||
Sum Total | 4485½ | |||||
The half, | 2242¾ | Acres, at leaſt, are tillable and improveable. |
N. B. Beſides the above, which are moſt noted, there may be numbered about a Dozen very ſmall Iſlands bearing Graſs; and Rocks innumerable above Water.
Here place the Map.