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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/77

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Iſlands of Scilly.

ſelf in there Words, Ad Sillinam Inſulam ultra Britannicum deportatus.

They were alſo called, by the ancient Greeks,[1] Heſperides and Caſſiterides, from this Weſtern Situation, and abounding with Tin. And [2] Silures by Solinus; Sigdeles by Antoninus; by the Dutch, Sorlings; and in ſeveral of the Tower Records, and Manuſcripts of Antiquity, Sully, or Sulley; which laſt Name is probably a Contraction from Inſulæ, as Iſles from Iſlands. And in ſome Grants, of Charters, they are called our Iſles. The Antients had a Cuſtom of deriving one Name from another by Tranſpoſition of Letters, for ſignifying ſuch Things as were ſuppoſed ſome Way to have a Relation. The Rock Liſia, mentioned by Antoninus, lying between Scilly and the Land's End of England, by Tranſpoſition makes Silia. This Rock is called alſo, by the Inhabitants thereabouts, Lethowſo,

  1. Camden's Britannia.
  2. Ptolemy, in his Geography, calls the Welch of Bulleum, (a Town in Brecknockſhire) Silures.
