ſelf in there Words, Ad Sillinam Inſulam ultra Britannicum deportatus.
They were alſo called, by the ancient Greeks,[1] Heſperides and Caſſiterides, from this Weſtern Situation, and abounding with Tin. And [2] Silures by Solinus; Sigdeles by Antoninus; by the Dutch, Sorlings; and in ſeveral of the Tower Records, and Manuſcripts of Antiquity, Sully, or Sulley; which laſt Name is probably a Contraction from Inſulæ, as Iſles from Iſlands. And in ſome Grants, of Charters, they are called our Iſles. The Antients had a Cuſtom of deriving one Name from another by Tranſpoſition of Letters, for ſignifying ſuch Things as were ſuppoſed ſome Way to have a Relation. The Rock Liſia, mentioned by Antoninus, lying between Scilly and the Land's End of England, by Tranſpoſition makes Silia. This Rock is called alſo, by the Inhabitants thereabouts, Lethowſo,