Page:A New Survey of the West Indies or The English American his Travel by Sea and Land.djvu/47

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Chap. V.
of the West-Indies.

Chap. V.

Of the Indian Fleet that departed from Cales, Anno Dom. 1625. And of some remarkable passages in that Voiage.

UPon the first of July in the afternoon, Don Carlos de Ybarra Admiral of the Galeons that then lay in the Bay of Cales gave Order that a warning Peece should be shot off to warn all Passengers, Souldiers, and Mariners to betake themselves the next morning to their Ships. O what was it to see some of our Apostolical company who had enjoyed much liberty for a month in Cales, who had began to entangle their hearts with some young Nuns love, now hang down their heads, and Act with sad and demure looks loath to depart, and cry out, Bonum est nos hic esse, It is good for us to be here; and amongst them one Frier John de Pacheco made the warning Peece to be a warning to him to hide himself (who could no more be found amongft his fellow Missioners) thinking it a part of hard cruelty to forsake a young Franciscan Nun to whom he had engaged and wholly devoted his heart. What was it to fee others with weeping eyes piercing through the Iron grates the tender Virgins hearts, leaving and bequeathing unto them some pledges of their wanton love, and; receiving from them some Cordials against Sea-sicknes, Caps, Shirts and Handkerchiefs, to eye them or wear them when Ælus or Neptune should most oppose them ? The econd of July in the morning early notice was given unto us, that one Frier Pablo de Londres, an old crab-faced English Friar living in St. Lucar had got the Duke of Medina his Letter and sent it to the Governor óf Cales charging him to seek for me and to stay me, signifying the King of Spains will and

pleasure, that no English should pais to the Indias, having a Country of their own to Convert; this did that old Frier to stop my passage, having before wrote unto me many Letters
