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Page:A New and Improved System of Mnemonics (Jackson).djvu/36

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Longitude; thus, a place in 17 degrees East Longitude, (by the plan here laid down,) will stand from the Meridian of Greenwich 3 degrees West.

On the front wall, first room, you have one half of the Northern Latitude of the Eastern Hemisphere; opposite to which the half of that of the Western, (making the floor your Equator, as named before.) On the room immediately underneath will be found the Southern Latitudes of each Hemisphere, for which you reckon downwards. You have now one circular window in the front of your house, and another behind, containing the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, divided by the Equator (floor), having in each 180 degrees East and West, beginning with the eleventh symbol, as before directed.

In the squares in which there appears water only, no symbols need be introduced.[1]

  1. The Fainaiglian system employs two Rooms. Rule—On the first floor of the first, place symbols No. 1 to 9; on the first or left hand wall, No. 10 (which, as well as the other tens, will be on the ceiling) to 19; on the second or front wall, 20 to 29; third or right-hand wall, No. 30 to 39; on the fourth, (behind you,) 40 to 49; No. 50 will he placed in the centre of the ceiling. Your second room will have on the floor, 51 to 59; on the fifth wall, on your left, 60 to 69, and so onward to No. 100, which will be placed in the centre of the ceiling of the second room. We recommend the pupil to exercise his imagination in transferring the symbols from the window to the walls, floors, and ceiling, of two rooms most familiar to him: one trial will fix them in his memory.