but if otherwise it is a greater charity than even national schools. However, in procuring money for the buildings, &c.; I shall propose to gentlemen, that contributors of £50 should send for their life one boy to either school at £5 per annum less; contributors of £100, for £10 per annum less, and so on: one half of this will be funded to form endowments, and to supply means for increasing the number of scholars, who will be found able lay assistants in schools, either grammar or parochial. At first this perhaps will be a small loss, as the interest on the £25 will not compensate for the £5 less per annum in each case; this for a few years must be made up by the zeal of individuals; but as these sums fall in, a large fund will be created.
This is a rough sketch of my schools, to which I will only add, that the boys in any of the schools will be eligible to stand for the scholarships or any other prizes which the whole scheme has at its disposal.
Now for the constitution of my first school, for the building of which I am soliciting contributions. My intention is that it should be as simple as possible, conforming as far as may be to the rule of Winchester as it was at first, and only changing those things which time requires to be changed. In forming the internal rules and regulations of the school, the practical wisdom of those best acquainted with boys' natures will be consulted, and from the names of the promoters (given in the enclosed list of contributors) you will see I have a choice. Further, the building will be in the hands of trustees, but they will have no power to interfere with the Head master, whose appointment will be for life, or until he shall be removed by the visitor in a legal way. Three of the trustees will be appointed by those who contribute to the undertaking a sum of not less than £10. I shall appoint the fourth, and the fifth will be the Vicar of the parish for the time being. The duties of the trustees will be to take charge of the building, promote the prosperity of the school, audit the accounts annually, and supply a copy of them to the Visitor, and to the Bishop, if he be not the Visitor: and in conjunction with the President, Head master and seniority, and the Head masters of each of the dependent schools, make such votes and grants of surplus funds towards the promotion of education, as to them shall seem good: and further, with the aid of the same assistants they shall be able by a majority to veto any appointment of Head master which may be attempted to be