Page:A Pocket Guide to China (1943).pdf/25

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乾 盃

literally "Dry the Cup"
or "Bottoms Up"

flies you must treat very seriously indeed. They are not the comparatively innocent American variety. Since China is an old and populous country, germs as well as people have flourished there for centuries. The result of this is that Chinese have developed either an immunity to many of the diseases that kill the white man so easily, or the weak die and the strong survive. You should therefore follow one simple rule—eat nothing that is not so hot that you know it is only recently off the fire. Do not yield to the temptation of a fruit that cannot be peeled or cut before your eyes. It is better not even to use a uten­sil—knife, chopsticks, etc.—that has not been scalded with boiling water. Avoid sweets and cakes. Wash your hands with soap and water before you eat. And take care not to expose yourself to mosquito bites.