Page:A Pocket Guide to China (1943).pdf/42

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tion are so pronounced that artillery is usually found functioning only as army or army group troops.

China is divided into nine war zones, under zone commanders who exercise supreme authority over all troops in the particular area. At the top of the whole army organization is the Military Affairs Commission in Chungking, presided over by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, who makes final strategic decisions.

Chiang received most of his military training in Japan where German ideas prevailed, but there have been a number of other foreign influences on the organization and training of the Chinese armies. Whampoa Academy, China's West Point, was organized with the help of Russian advisers, notably Marshal Bluecher. Incidentally, many Chinese officers received their training in our own West Point or other American military schools. In the 1930's German influence was predominant with a permanent German military mission in China, successively headed by Col. Max Bauer, Gen. Hans von Seeckt, father of the Reichswehr, and General von Falkenhausen. The mission was withdrawn in 1938.

The Chinese Soldier Before very long you will be fighting beside the Chinese infantryman who is little like our doughboy. He is usually a farmer's or shopkeeper's