Page:A Pocket Guide to China (1943).pdf/45

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a seemingly hopeless fight. It was as if we had been forced to move our own capital from Washington to Kansas City.

Today in Chungking the people are a fair example of what the nation is. Their's is the most bombed city in the world. Yet the people go on. They have made shelters in the rocky depths of the mountains and there they stay hour after hour, sometimes day after day, and when the raids are over they come out and go back to work. They are unbeatable.


IF YOU were to talk to any American who has spent a lifetime in China, he would undoubtedly give you the following suggestions. By following them, you will not only avoid difficulties but you will guarantee your own popularity.

China is the oldest nation in the world and its civiliza­tion is in many ways the greatest. As a natural result, the Chinese will not bear any assumption of superiority on the part of a white man because he is white. China her­self has no color prejudice against anyone with a different colored skin. She is prepared to treat everyone on terms of human equality, and you cannot do better than ap­proach China in the same spirit.