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Love and respect for parents. This story shows us the love and respect which Joseph had for his father. Joseph acted as he did, although his father was a shepherd, and shepherds were despised in Egypt. Moreover, by reason of the famine, Jacob had become poor. Joseph, however, was not ashamed of the humble and poor condition of his father, but showed him every open mark of respect that he could.

Respect for old age. King Pharao paid respect to Jacob, not only because he was Joseph’s father, but because of his old age. We should always respect old age. “Rise up before the hoary head, and honour the person of the aged man” (Lev. 19, 32).

Prayer for light. Jacob prayed and offered up a sacrifice, in order to learn God’s will. If we are in doubt, we should seek counsel not only from our parents, confessor &c., but we should pray to the Holy Ghost for light.

Consolation in suffering. Once both Jacob and Joseph wept for sorrow; now they wept for joy. After the rain comes sunshine, and after sorrow comes joy, often in this world, but most certainly in the next, if the sufferings are borne with patience and resignation. “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and death shall be no more, nor mourning nor crying” (Apoc. 21, 4).

Life is a pilgrimage. God’s servants know that they are stranger, and pilgrims on earth. “The years of my pilgrimage have been few and evil”, said old Jacob. His life had, indeed, been one of unrest, pain, and danger. He had had to leave his home, when he was quite young, and live for many years in exile and servitude. After his return home, there fell on him the heavy blow of Joseph’s loss. Then came the great famine; and now, towards the end of his life, he found himself once more in a strange country, far from the Promised Land. He looked back sadly on his years of pilgrimage, and told the king that they had been evil. But, at the same time, he looked onward to that better and imperishable home, which is the aim and end of our earthly pilgrimage. Comparing his life in this world with that which is eternal, he said that his long years of pilgrimage had been few. “For we have not here a lasting city” (Hebr. 13, 14); we are but pilgrims on the road to eternity. Heaven is our home. We should not, therefore, cling to the things of this earth, but should, above all things, seek the kingdom of God. St. Peter writes: “I beseech you, as strangers and pilgrims, to refrain yourselves from carnal desires” (1 Pet 2, 11).

God's Wisdom, shown by His guidance of the Israelites. Why did Almighty God’s wise Providence send Jacob and his family into Egypt ? In order that Jacob’s descendants, His chosen people, should not be led into idolatry. The danger of this would have been very great in Chanaan, where they lived surrounded by idolaters. Esau had already made himself one with the children of Heth. Had Jacob’s descendants