His only-begotten Son has redeemed you, has won pardon for you, and has opened heaven to you. Serve God with a grateful love, for you were dedicated to His service at your Baptism. Above all things, hear Mass willingly and devoutly, and be thankful to the Lamb of God who daily sacrifices Himself for you.
When you obey your evil inclinations and passions, you are still in the bonds of the cruel servitude of Satan and sin. Tear yourself away from this ignominious slavery. Seek out and fight against your besetting sin. Make resolutions against it every morning when you say your prayers, and examine your conscience about it in the evening.
Chapter XXXIV.
[Ex. 13, 17—27.]
Now God himself conducted the Israelites in their march, going before them by day in a pillar[1] of cloud, by night in a pillar of fire. They at length reached the shores[2] of the Red Sea, where they pitched their tents[3]. Suddenly Pharao repented[4] of having allowed the Israelites to go, and pursued them with chariots[5] (Fig. 23, p. 146) and horsemen, and with his whole army[6] (Fig. 24, p. 147); and he overtook them at nightfall near the Red Sea.
When the Israelites saw the Egyptians behind them, they were seized with fear[7], and cried to the Lord for help. Moses,
- ↑ Pillar. A cloud which raised itself up like a pillar, so that it could be seen by all the people. In this cloud which, later on, rested on the Ark of the Covenant (Chapter XXXVIII), God was present in an especial manner, to prove to the Israelites that He was their leader and protector.
- ↑ Shores. The track followed by the Israelites is marked by a blue line on Map I.
- ↑ Pitched their tents. They encamped to rest for the night.
- ↑ Repented. His first terror, caused by the slaying of the first born, was passed, and his old spirit of defiance had returned. He and his people wished to revenge themselves on the Israelites for the death of their sons, and seize them to reduce them once more to slavery.
- ↑ Chariots. Cars full of soldiers who , from these chariots , attacked the enemy with arrows, spears and swords.
- ↑ His whole army. Which was more than 200,000 strong.
- ↑ With fear. The Israelites really were in a terrible position. Before them lay the deep sea, behind them Pharao’s host; to right and left of them were high mountains! They could not possibly have escaped, if God had not helped them. But the Lord, in order to strengthen His people’s faith, worked a mighty miracle, and made the water cease flowing, and rear itself up like two walls, letting the people of Israel pass between them to the other side.