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of the New Testament Church. It is both a duty and a great privilege for any one to be a member of the choir or to promote good music in the Church.

Importance of the City of Jerusalem. Divine Providence brought it about that David should choose this old and naturally fortified city of the Jebusites as the capital of his kingdom, the centre of the Jewish religion, and the cradle of the Christian religion. Here it was that Melchisedech exercised his royal priesthood, and here it was that the great High Priest according to the order of Melchisedech offered and instituted His Eucharistic Sacrifice and Sacrament of love. Here on Mount Moria Abraham offered his son Isaac, and here the eternal Father offered His only-begotten Son for the sins of the world. Here David, the shepherd-boy of Bethlehem, entered as the meek, gentle, God-fearing king, and established the divine worship of Moses in its fullest splendour; and here the Son of David, the Son of man born in Bethlehem entered, riding on an ass and acclaimed by the Hosannas of the children of Israel. Here he died and rose, ascended into heaven, and poured out the Spirit of God on the day of Pentecost. Here He gave life to the Church of the Redeemed, and from here She began her world wide work and mission. For these reasons Jerusalem is and remains the holiest city on earth, and is a type of the everlasting city of peace and happiness of heaven.

Joy in the House of God. David rejoiced and exulted that now the Ark would be close to his dwelling on Mount Sion, and that he would be able to assist at the sacrifices. How much more ought we to rejoice and thank God that in our midst are real houses of God, where we can visit our Divine Lord, and assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Application. Do you like going to Mass? Do you take pleasure in the services of God? How do you behave in Church and during processions? Do you give a good example to others, or do you disturb them in their devotions?

Chapter LV.


[2 Kings 7. Ps. 2; 21; 109.]

DAVID, as he had done when only a simple shepherd-boy, composed Psalms[1] and Canticles in honour of the Most High, and conducted himself in all things according to the holy

  1. Psalms. These were written by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, who also revealed to the Royal Prophet the future of the kingdom of God. There are in all one hundred and fifty Psalms, which form one of the books of Holy Scripture. Most of the Psalms are songs of praise; some are petitions; and seven are called the penitential Psalms.