The object of miracles. God worked these miracles, firstly, in order to protect His faithful servant, Daniel; secondly, to manifest Himself to the pagans, and especially to king Cyrus, as the one true and Almighty God and Lord, and the Saviour working signs and wonders on the earth; and thirdly, so as to move the king to send the people of God back to their own country, and let them rebuild the Temple.
Grace at meals. Before Daniel partook of the food miraculously sent to him, he gratefully remembered the goodness of God, who had provided him with it. We ought always to thank God for the food which we receive. We say before meals: ‘‘Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts which we are going to receive of Thy bounty”, and after our meals we thank Him for having fed us, unworthy creatures, and made us participate in His gifts.
The power of pagan superstition and the wonderful victory of Christianity. This story shows us how deep a root the follies of idolatry had taken among pagan nations. Although Daniel had proved the utter powerlessness of their idols, and although God had manifested His own Omnipotence by the most wonderful miracles, they would not abandon idolatry; and even the king could not save Daniel from their fury. If we consider all this it makes us realise how wonderful was the complete triumph of Christianity over paganism. It is a noble work both for God and our neighbour to support Catholic missionaries, who preach the religion of the cross to the heathen at the peril of their own lives.
Application. Have you always said your grace devoutly? Even the beasts without reason are grateful to those who feed them; so how can reasonable men not be grateful to their Lord and Creator, who gives them life and health, food and drink?
We were all created for the glory of God. What have you done hitherto for His glory? Could you not prevent many sins among your comrades? Could you not offer your daily labours and burdens to God? Do not forget to frame your intention thus every day: “O my God, I will do everything for Thy glory.”