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By the words “From the rising of the sun — for my name is great among the Gentiles” God announced that many nations instead of only one would worship Him. Then He further foretold: a) that a sacrifice would be offered to Him, not in one place only as with the Jews, but in all places; b) that this sacrifice would be a clean oblation or offering, c) and a meat-offering or, in other words, an unbloody sacrifice; d) and that it would be a perfect sacrifice, and take the place of the Jewish sacrifices. Now, in what way does the holy Sacrifice of the Mass correspond with and fulfil this prophecy? a) The holy Sacrifice of the Mass was instituted at the Last Supper, and is offered up in every Catholic church all over the world, b) It is a clean oblation, nay, the most clean, the most holy oblation that can be, for in it is offered up Jesus Christ, the All-holy Son of God. c) It is an unbloody Sacrifice, and at the same time it is a meat-offering, for in it Jesus Christ offers Himself in an unbloody manner in the holy Mass, under the form of bread and wine, and gives Himself in Holy Communion to be the Food of both priest and people, d) It replaces the sacrifices of the Old Testament, which were only types of this, the spotless Sacrifice of the New Testament, and which are fulfilled by it.

APPLICATION. Thank God in an especial manner for the most holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and resolve that you will assist at it frequently and with devotion.

Chapter LXXXIII.


[2 Mach. 6.]

THE most terrible trial which the Jews had to undergo was that which came upon them at the time when they were made subject to the proud and cruel Antiochus[1], king of Syria.

  1. Antiochus. The Jews lived under the Persian supremacy in peace and quiet. This lasted till 329 B. C. In that year, Alexander the Great, who had conquered the Persian empire, took possession of Judaea and Jerusalem; but he was favourable to the Jews and allowed them to practise their religion, for which he had a great respect. When Alexander died (323 B. C.), his four principal generals divided his vast empire; and the Jews lived for a hundred years under the Egyptian rule, which was in no way oppressive. But in the year 200 Judaea fell under the dominion of the kings of Syria. The worst of these kings was Antiochus IV., of whom we read in this story. He fell upon Jerusalem with a large army in the year 169, killed 40,000 inhabitants, and plundered the Temple. He proclaimed Greek paganism to be the religion of the state, and, in 167 B. C., having desecrated the Temple in all sorts of ways, he set up in it the image of the Greek god Zeus (Fig. 59). All the Jews were forbidden under pain of death to practise any religion but that of the state. They did not dare to circumcise their male children, or observe their sabbaths and festivals, or offer sacrifice to the true God.