He then preached in the synagogues of Galilee: “The time is accomplished, and the kingdom of God is at hand [1]; repent and believe the Gospel.” He healed all manner of diseases; and the fame of His power and holiness spread over all the country [2], and people came from far and near to see and hear Him.
The Divinity of our Lord. The astounding miracles which Jesus wrought, in the presence of so many people, are a proof of His Divine Omnipotence. He took the death-stricken mother-in-law of Peter by the hand, and immediately she got up well and strong. He laid His hand on the sick who were brought to Him in front of Peter’s house, and at once they were cured. He drove the devils out of those whom they possessed, and imposed silence on them by His word. “What is this?” asked the awe-struck people; “that He commandeth even the unclean spirits and they go out!” This was a proof that Jesus is Lord not only of the visible creation, but of the unseen world of spirits as well.
The Kindness of Jesus was wonderful, for He helped all those who were afflicted by diseases and sickness. “He went about doing good” (Acts 10, 38).
The Prayer of Jesus, when He retired into a desert place, was one of intercession for sinful men. It was also an example to us to pray and not to faint (Luke 18, 1).
The Preaching of Jesus. The gist of our Lord’s preaching was: “Repent and believe the Gospel.” This is still, and will be for all time, the most important obligation of Christianity and the indispensable condition of salvation. He wrho wishes to have a part in the kingdom of God, must believe in our Lord and His teaching, and must do penance for his sins.
Dead faith. “The devils also believe and tremble”, writes St. James (2, 19). These words are confirmed by the story we have just read, which relates that the devil confessed: “Thou art the Holy One of God.” There is a faith which does not avail to salvation — a dead faith, which is not a free act of obedience and love.
The power of intercession. Our Lord yielded to the intercession of His disciples for Peter’s mother-in-law. To pray for the living and