The Divinity of our Lord. These prophecies prove that our Lord knew future things, that He is Omniscient and is therefore God.
Jesus suffered willingly; for though He knew the future, and what awaited Him at Jerusalem, He nevertheless went there to meet His Passion and Death.
Jesus suffered all His Life; for He knew beforehand the terrible sufferings and death which He would endure. These were before His eyes all through His life, and it may be said that, in a certain measure, He suffered a living death.
The Gospel is to be preached throughout the whole world. Our Lord foretold that this was to be, and at the same time He foretold that Mary’s service of love would be known and honoured throughout the length and breadth of Christendom. This prophecy has been, and is still being, fulfilled. Each of the three Evangelists, St. Matthew, St. Mark and St. John relate the incident; and on Palm-Sunday the Passion according to St. Matthew, which begins with this story, is read in every Catholic church throughout the world, and thus all Christians hear what Mary did to show her love for Jesus.
Covetousness is a capital sin. Judas had an inordinate love of money, or, in other words, was covetous or avaricious. He did not resist this evil passion, and therefore fell by degrees into greater sins. He began by stealing, first small, and then greater sums from the money entrusted to his care. He then displayed the most shameful hypocrisy by making out that the interests of the poor were his only care, whereas his real object in blaming Mary's extravagance was to facilitate his thefts. In the hardness of his heart he robbed the poor of the alms due to them, and from treachery to them, proceeded to treachery towards his Lord and Master.
Generous love. By this anointing of our Lord Mary wished to give expression to her deep love for Him, and her gratitude for the raising up of her brother. She used the most costly ointment which could be procured, to signify that she was ready to offer up every thing she most valued for His sake.
Care for God's honour, and care for the poor. Mary’s example teaches us that we should not economize when it is a question of the worship of God, and the building or beautifying of His churches. The praise bestowed on her by our Lord shows that such offerings in His honour are well pleasing to Him, if they are made in a spirit of love and reverence. There will always be men who, like Judas, will blame such generosity in God’s honour, and call it a needless extravagance, saying that the money would be far more usefully spent were it given to the poor — and yet such men as these care little or nothing for the poor. Christianity teaches that we ought to do the one, but not leave the other undone.