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nations (although our Lord does not say that all will accept it); but there will be a great apostasy before the end of the world: false Christs and false prophets shall appear, and many shall be seduced. The laws of the universe will be upset, and then shall be seen the Cross in the heavens, and the Divine Judge will come in power and glory. All the dead will be called from their graves to appear before Him, and heaven and earth shall pass away — or be changed. “The fashion of this world passeth away”, says St. Paul (i Cor. 7, 31); while St. Peter writes thus: “For we look for new heavens and a new earth according to His promises” (2 Pet. 3, 13). God will not destroy either heaven or earth, and then create a new heaven and a new earth, but He will transform and renew them.

The Justice of God. This is revealed to us by the terrible judgment which overtook Jerusalem and the unbelieving Jews.

The Grace of Perseverance. “He that shall persevere to the end' he shall be saved.” The end — the death of individuals, is, as far as the time of it is concerned, quite as much a secret as is the end of the world. Blessed is he whom death does not come upon unawares, in a state of sin. As a man dies, so will he appear before the judgment-seat of God at the Last Day. We ought to pray very earnestly for the grace of final perseverance; for this most important of all graces can only be obtained by prayer.

Application. Our Lord Himself points out the application which we ought to make of this prophetic discourse of His: “Watch and pray!” We must not spend our lives carelessly and frivolously like those who do not believe, but we must be watchful and always prepared for death. We must be on our guard against the drowsiness of tepidity and the deadly sleep of mortal sin. Are you not lax in the service of God? Is not your love for Him cold? Pray fervently: “From sudden and unprepared death, O Lord, deliver me!”

Chapter LXI.


[Mat. 25, 1 — 13.]

JESUS warns His followers not to seek the things of this world with too much anxiety, and to make a provision of good works, while they yet have time; for that death will come like a thief in the night when least expected. To make them better understand this great truth, He gave them the following parable: