and Matthias. After praying [1] for light, from above, they cast lots, and the lot fell upon Matthias, who was numbered with the eleven apostles, and filled the place left vacant by the lamentable fall of Judas.
Ten days after the Ascension, the Jews celebrated the feast of Pentecost[2].
On that day the apostles were assembled[3] together, persevering in prayer, when suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a mighty rushing wind,[4] and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. There appeared to them parted tongues, as it were, of fire4, and it sat upon every one of them. And they were filled[5] with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak in divers tongues [6].
Now there were at that time in Jerusalem Jews from every nation under heaven, who had come for the celebration of the feast. These, having heard of what had taken place, hastened with a great number of the inhabitants of Jerusalem to the house wherein the apostles were assembled. Each one was astonished[7] to hear them speak in his own tongue. But some of the people mocked them, saying that they were full of new wine.
Then Peter, going forth from the house with the other apostles, lifted up his voice, and spoke: “These are not drunk, as you suppose, but this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel: ‘In the last days I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. Ye men of Israel,
- ↑ After praying. “Thou, Lord”, they prayed, “who knowest the hearts of all men, show whether of these two Thou hast chosen!” The “Lord”, to whom they thus prayed, was our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, of whom St. Peter had just been speaking.
- ↑ Pentecost. About this feast see Old Test. XXXIX. This year it fell on the first day of the week, Sunday.
- ↑ Assembled. In the same upper chamber which has been mentioned before.
- ↑ Of fire. These cloven tongues had the appearance of fire, but it was no natural fire.
- ↑ Filled. They now received the Holy Ghost with all the fulness of His grace and gifts: before this they had only received single and isolated gifts, such, for example, as the priesthood and the power to forgive sins.
- ↑ In drvers tongues. Up to that moment each had been able to speak only his own native language. The Holy Ghost imparted to them the marvellous gift of being able to speak various languages which they had never learnt.
- ↑ Astonished. “What meaneth this?” they said one to another. They felt that what was occurring before their eyes could not be anything natural.