join thyself to that chariot!” He did so, and heard the officer reading the words: “As a sheep[1] He was led to the slaughter; and, like a lamb dumb before his shearer so opened He not His mouth.” Philip asked him: “Thinkest thou that thou understandest [2] what thou readest?” The officer replied: “How can I, unless some one show me?”
He then requested Philip to come up into the chariot and sit with him. Philip did so, and, beginning with the text which had puzzled the officer, he explained[3] to him all the Scriptures relating to Jesus Christ, instructing him in the mystery of Redemption.
As they rode on they came to a stream, and the stranger said to Philip: “See, here is water, what hindereth me[4] from being baptized?” Philip replied: “If thou believest with thy whole heart, thou mayest.” He answered: “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.” He then stopped the chariot, and they both went down into the water; and Philip baptized the officer. But when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord took away Philip[5], and the officer saw him no more. Praising and blessing God, he went back joyfully to his own country.
The holy Sacrament of Confirmation. The Sacrament which St. Peter and St. John administered to the baptized Samaritans was the Sacrament of Confirmation, the outward sign of which is the imposition of hands with prayer. The anointing with chrism which accompanies the imposition of hands is not explicitly alluded to in the account given, but it can
- ↑ As a sheep. This prophecy was quoted and explained in Old Test. LXXII.
- ↑ Understandest. “Do you understand of whom the prophet is speaking in this passage?"
- ↑ He explained to him that the passage in question related to the Messias, and that Jesus Christ was that Messias, the Incarnate Son of God, and that through Him all those who believed and were baptized would be saved.
- ↑ Hindereth me. The words of Philip kindled in the heart of the Ethiopian a great desire for the Sacrament of Regeneration, so that when they reached a stream he eagerly seized the opportunity, and cried out: “See, here is water See.!” He was eager to receive the holy Sacrament of Baptism at once, before his return home.
- ↑ Took away Philip. The Holy Ghost, in a wonderful manner, carried him away to a distant place. This marvel confirmed the faith of the Ethiopian, for he knew thereby that it was God Himself who had sent Philip to him. Thus, rejoicing at the great grace which he had received, he returned to his own country. According to tradition he himself sowed the first seed of the Gospel in Ethiopia.