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that is, after his Baptism he was no longer a sinner, but a child and friend of God, and an heir to heaven.

Good works performed in a state of sin. During the three days before he was baptized, Saul fasted rigorously and prayed without ceasing. He was perhaps all this time in a state of sin, for he had not yet received holy Baptism and with it sanctifying grace. Were then his works of prayer and penance of no value? No! they were not without value, for they obtained for him the grace of a greater knowledge of himself, a deeper sense of contrition, and an ardent desire for Baptism and reconciliation with God; all of which prepared him better for the reception of the holy Sacrament of regeneration.

Christians should be Saints. Ananias called the disciples in Jerusalem “saints”. And why? Because they had been made holy in Baptism, and led holy lives.

Application. You too have persecuted and injured your Divine Lord by sins against your neighbours who are His disciples. Have you deeply repented of these sins as Saul did, and amended your ways as sincerely as he did? Make a firm resolution never again to commit a wilful sin. Remember whom you offend when you sin, even your Lord and Saviour, the King of everlasting glory. Often make the ejaculation: “My Jesus, mercy!’’

Chapter XCI.


[Acts 9, 32 - 43]

AFTER[1] the conversion of Saul, the Church enjoyed peace for a while throughout Judaea and Samaria and Galilee. Peter went about among the faithful, making a general visitation, encouraging and confirming them in the faith. During this journey he performed two great miracles.

At Lydda[2] there was a man, named Eneas, who had kept his bed for eight years, being afflicted with palsy. Peter said to him: “Eneas[3], the Lord Jesus Christ healeth thee[4]. Arise, and

  1. After. And on account of his conversion, he having been the chief persecutor of the Church.
  2. Lydda. A small town not far from the Mediterranean, and about one day’s journey west of Jerusalem (see Map).
  3. Eneas. Apparently Eneas was already a Christian.
  4. Healeth thee. Now, at this moment, by my words.